Enrollment for 2025/26 opens in February


Enrollment to WCS is open to any Christian family who expresses their commitment to Jesus Christ through active involvement in a local church. At least one parent or legal guardian needs to be active in a church. Numerous churches are represented in our school family as well as various national, racial and economic backgrounds. 

WCS does not discriminate on the basis of race, color or national origin.

Any students whose fifth birthday is on or before October 1 is eligible to apply for admission to kindergarten. Age does not necessarily determine grace placement and at the discretion of the classroom teacher and administrator.


New students must submit the following:

Complete WCS Enrollment Application

Non-refundable $100 Enrollment Fee

Church Recommendation Form (first grade & older)

Copy of Student's Social Security Card

Copy of Valid Kentucky Immunization Certificate

Vision Screening

Physical Examination Form

Records from a previous school (if applicable)

Student may need to have a grade placement assessment prior to admission and family may need to have an interview the administrator.

WCS Enrollment Application

admission Events

Call (859) 873-0288 to schedule your tour.

Every day is an Open House!

Call 859.873.0288 to schedule a time which works for you to tour our school and talk with our principal Cara Meadows about WCS. 

Email her at cmeadows@woodfordchristian.org

Let's talk about kindergarten for 2025/26!

We offer a full-day and a half-day option for kindergarten.

Kindergarten Open House - Sunday, January 26, 1 to 5 pm

Reserve your open house time now! Click on the following link to sign up for a 30-minute time


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